Friday, September 13, 2019

12 qualities of a super boss

What is a leader? This is a person who should know his job well, be aware of the latest market news, be able to plan a budget - competencies, as they say, are necessary, but insufficient.

In fact, being a boss is a special skill, which, fortunately, can be pumped.

And now more about the qualities of a leader that you want to follow.

Positive thinking
No, no sugary self-deception! The main thing in a crisis situation is to understand what can be controlled and what is completely beyond our control. Focus on real possibilities, not ghostly hopes or gloomy forebodings.

Independence in judgments, optimism and responsibility for decisions made are the features of many great leaders. Thus, Richard Branson, the head of the Virgin Group, repeatedly neglected the warnings of experts and took risks, based primarily on his own vision and the needs of customers.

It would seem that to cheat, embellish, and lie is simple, but only those who are unable to see beyond their nose believe in this “convenience”. The deceiving leader is forced to continue dodging to hide the previous lie, and this cycle is delayed, taking away energy, and in some cases even position and reputation.

Responsibility and hard work are excellent qualities, but leaders working for all do not live long. A competent distribution of responsibilities and appropriate rewards are beneficial to everyone - both the boss and promising employees.

The boss who communicates with employees, in time learns about all the weaknesses in the company. For example, David Packard, one of the first billionaires of Silicon Valley, for a long time worked in the same office with ordinary engineers.

Stib Jobs was also in close relationship with his team, he said: "Innovation comes from people who can call each other at half past ten in the evening with a fresh idea."

Ability to inspire
A man burning his own business inspires respect and trust. I want to follow such a leader.

Vector selection
Moving to an ambitious goal is not easy, after a series of failures, employees may be disappointed in the company, lose faith in their own abilities. The boss's task is to determine the goal and support subordinates in difficult times.

Workaholism leads to burnout. As a result, it is difficult for the leader to concentrate, control emotions, set goals. In order to prevent lag in one of the areas, it is important to maintain a balance between work and “ordinary” life - communication with family, a hobby. Many prominent businessmen suffer from this.

“I think that I manage to distribute time between work and children. But you still need to make time for dates, ”says Elon Musk. And Bill Gates could work for a long time in the office, then take a break to visit the cinema and return to work again.

The trust
If a subordinate respects the boss and feels that he believes in his talents, he will do everything possible to prove himself in the best possible way. A competent leader, in turn, will always notice the hidden makings of an employee.

So, Ralph Lauren entrusted the post of head of the department of women's clothing design of one of the catwalk models when he saw that she “knew a lot about clothes”.

Talent support
If employees want to learn new things, to grow as professionals is wonderful. It’s worth investing in: an effective, goal-oriented team will bring success to the entire company.

When an employee feels that he is growing, and his achievements are appreciated, he does not want to stop at a modest result.

Exceptional competence and willingness to share knowledge are the necessary qualities of a leader.

One prominent example of mentoring executives is Jack Welch, who personally trained top executives at the company. Thanks to his merits, General Electric was jokingly called the "House that Jack built."

Explicit "favorites" of the boss - a reason for gossip and resentment in the team. Probably, "disliked" will want to find a leader who can appreciate their professionalism. And the office elite often begins to abuse a special position and work through their sleeves.

Impartiality is not only the key to normal cooperation, but also another reason to respect the boss as a person and a professional.

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