Friday, September 13, 2019

Why they do not respond to my vacancy

The current situation in the labor market has developed as follows - worthy job seekers are being parsed too quickly, and a serious hunt is being arranged for the most sought-after.

It is even more difficult in actively developing areas - in IT and in specific industries where exceptional engineering and technical knowledge or strategic skills are needed. Special communicative talents and creativity are also in great demand.

Key anti-labor market trends 2018
Deficit of educated specialists with an excess of low-skilled personnel
Geographic gaps: in some regions there is a high demand in the labor market and a shortage in the personnel market, in others - passivity of companies and unemployment
As a consequence of the second point, there is a growing wage gap in capitals and in the periphery
Labor emigration: the best specialists are sent to Europe or the USA
However, it’s more common not to find global problems in the market, but rather commonplace mistakes in the design of a job announcement.

Check your vacancy on the following points.

Job title
Some employers use too vague and therefore meaningless formulations - “manager”, “specialist”, “operator”. Being a favorite trick of scammers, such headlines initially do not inspire confidence. And if the text of the vacancy contains other errors, the applicant will seriously doubt whether he should respond.

Another problem is the inconsistency of the title in the heading with real duties. A sales manager and a telemarketer specializing in cold calls are still different positions. Thus, the ad simply does not reach the target audience. A similar mistake is overly “creative” job titles.

There are 2 main problems here - incorrect and excessive requirements. Recall that it is prohibited by law to prescribe wishes for gender, age, religion of a candidate in a vacancy.

Excessive requirements for experience and qualifications at a low salary have long been an occasion for jokes. Some eycharas describe the “ideal candidate” rather than a really suitable specialist. As a result, worthy applicants pass by.

It is important to determine which competencies are needed on the first day of a working dream, and which are just a wish. Accordingly, it is worth creating 2 lists, possibly with clarifications like “knowledge or willingness to master”, “as an advantage”. If the applicant sees what is in priority and what is a pleasant addition, it will be easier for him to evaluate his strength.

The salary
Jobs marked “by agreement” the sought-after applicant is considered last, some even exclude them from the search. The desire to save is understandable, but an approximate figure is still worth specifying. A specialist who claims to be 40 thousand, still does not "agree" on 15.

Another mistake is the wide spread. For example, from 20 to 100 thousand rubles. The lack of specificity raises suspicions - the applicant feels that they are trying to "lure" him, not offering anything good in reality.

Formulations such as “work with documents” or “fulfillment of instructions from management” are too vague. Firstly, the applicant cannot assess his ability to perform these tasks. Secondly, it raises suspicions that the company is trying to save money and hire the only employee working for two or three, for example, secretary-accountant-courier.

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